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Dianne van Giersbergen

Hello from my jewelry studio!

singer turned jewelry designer

Why I do what I love to do.

this is me!

Hi and welcome to my Precious Metal Jewelry website & shop! 

My name is Dianne van Giersbergen and I am not only the face of the brand but also the designer, creator, photographer and yes even the helpdesk assistance. I started my brand when I found that I have a talent for creating jewelry, especially unique statement pieces that no other shops could offer me, but that I did want to wear on stage.

On stage you say? Well yes! I combine my jewelry business with my profession as a singer. You might have heard my name in combination with the German symphonic metal band Xandria, or with my own Dutch progressive/symphonic metal band Ex Libris. It is for those bands that I needed jewelry that would catch the eye on a photo shoot or make a statement in video clip. There was no shop offering me what I was looking for and so I decided to create them myself, out of discarded musical materials, (bass) guitar strings & cymbals, from my band mates!

creating my jewelry

Here I am working in my jewelry studio: bending a bass guitar string into the desired shape,  drilling holes into a previous hand cut cymbal cut chip and filing its rough edges.

(bass) guitar strings & cymbals

When I saw my band mates throwing away their old strings I knew that this was it: the link I had been looking for between my passion for music and jewelry. Even better: as a singer I am always looking for the next story to tell and these materials do just that! They were the ones sounding on stage, shining together with the band in the spotlight.

And so I started gathering their (bass) guitar strings and later also the drummer’s broken cymbals to create jewelry with. First only from my own bands and for my own jewelry collection. But as it happens you can’t keep a good thing to yourself, or for yourself.

Both singers and fans started asking me where I bought the jewelry I was wearing. And when I started inquiring other bands if they would be willing to donate their used materials they were equally as interested. 

It didn’t take long for me to put two and two together. All I needed was a name that would resemble the music genre I love and how dear these jewelry creations are to me.